• Therapeutic massage at Maintain Yourself PDX Massage

    Therapeutic Massage

    This type of massage is generally used to treat chronic or sudden muscle pain and/or tension. Through questions and assessment, I’ll work with you to determine what techniques are necessary to help alleviate the issue. I use a combination of…

  • Relaxation massage at Maintain Yourself PDX Massage

    Relaxation Massage

    Come in and melt away! Relaxation can be slow and steady or a combination of deep tissue and stretching. We’ll chat about how you like to relax and I’ll create a custom session to give you a break from the…

  • Therapeutic massage at Maintain Yourself PDX Massage

    Table-Top Thai Massage

    Thai massage is a series of slow stretches and compressions designed to loosen muscles and expand range of motion. No need to undress for this massage. Come wearing loose fitting clothing or sportswear and get more involved with your massage!…